Tuesday, February 1, 2011

kenapa saya suka youtube? sbb dia best!!

justin bieber & usher, ana raffali & aidit alfian.
what do they have in common? oh, not the hair,not at all,lol. mampuih aku kena kejo ng bibir fc, eh bibir cute hape? the answer is, ye betul (tanpa menghiraukan org angkat tgn nk jwb), youtube channel!
they got the talent and guts to share their passion on the internet, and then to read the reviews. 
this is not a youtube adertisement, only ads by nuffnang at the sidebar.hehe.. 

this is my new hobby now. oh, not posting video me singing, sendiri pun menangis dgr suara sendiri, apsal ke laut ni!! how do i live oh how do i..hu hu uwaaa argghhh. ok over acting!
tgk,dgr&kagum dgn org nyanyi kt youtube.
especially yg byk views & like, yg byk-gila-org tgk, bkn byk-org-gila tgk ya. hehe

my favorites! mostly girls.girl power!

she's the first i discovered. still my no 1 favourite. such a lovely voice. mcm berhantu org kata. always waiting for new upload from her on her youtube page. excited every time i saw her new video!
i love listen to her while i'm studying, on repeat.
i love the script too!
my other favourites - 'love the way you lie', 'airplanes', and her own, 'down'

she's as cute as her voice 
dah jadi artis pun skrg. video dy semua views ratus ribu riban n jutan.

her signature, cute cartoon drawing of herself with the hair and kg sign. 
she uploaded so much. dunno which to choose and share here.
but i love the one she did a duet with boyce avenue

deorg pun best, tp kdg2 sengau terlebih skit especially kalau lagu jiwang2..

she's only 12 years old with a voice of an american idol contestant. chewah.
she had been on ellen degeneres show.

video dia pun byk-gila-org tgk, bkn byk-org-gila tgk ya, selain suara lunak dy, saya pasti salah satu sebab byk org tgk jugak sbb dy cantik n sexy, siap ade ajak dy webcam or call kalau free n lonely. haha
first time i heard her rihanna-umbrella cover on the radio, quickly downloaded it, and keep on listening to it until i forgot how the original version sounds like because i like it more than rihanna's.hehe
my all time favourite 'say it again'

father daughter duo. cute! suka tgk anak dy semangat gila nyanyi. ada lg sorg anak, eliana yg comel mcm bapak kau! haha
no doubt she will be the next miley cyrus
they even featured in ellen degeneres show, and ellen gave her kereta mini barbie pink cadillac n super byk barbies. comel gila muka dy sgt gembira tak terkata! 
ni pun comel

credit to all
byk lg nak tgk ni..


  1. kau patut tunjuk video oyeah! banyak2 nih.
    baru kena dgn jiwa kau.
    *muke serious mase menaip komen ini*

  2. aku mmg nk record suara ziana zain kau ni nk upload gak
    *serius tipu*
