she's very concern about her student in passing the exams(well, every lecturer does)
almost every class, even if we need to speed up to finish the syllabus for the day, she always make some time to reminds us to stay alert, study!, sharing her experiences in teaching for years, in many places.
btw, she have good records with student passing rates for acca, so hopefully i'll get to contribute to that this time.ahaa..
here are some of her 100 stories (she said), that i still can remember. when there's a will...
1. there's a student(not sure he or she, let's say he, ok) from JB who travelled every week to KL to attend the class, which usually there will be mostly 2class each week. he have a very sick mother which he still have to take care of. on the day of class he will cook first and put the food near her mother, bathe her, and then took the night bus because the class will be in the next morning. he prepares for the class along the journey. he's very focus and dedicated in class. after the class, he took the bus again to go back to JB. in the bus again, he make use of the time to study, because it's the only time he CAN study. and he get through.pass.
2. there's a girl from China with a very terrible english, took the paper four times. she didn't have so much money and sheila said she noticed that girl always wearing the same shirt for the past two years, from blue to i don't know,some other color,hehe. the thing is she can't go back to China until she finish acca. because of this desperation and because she HAVE to! and she get through.finally pass.
3. there's a student who is deaf.(not sure again he or she,nvm). she went to normal school so she can't read lips too, she only can read what's written on the board. so, she always have to stay back after class to ask questions, and she communicate through writing on the paper. but she's VERY determined. and she get through.pass.
what's our story? will it be inspired enough?
i don't know about me, i'm very inconsistent, one morning once i open my eyes, i literally jump out of the bed, took my shower, doing the house chores, study, and become very productive for the day,
the other morning, i woke up, stare at the ceiling, daydreaming, talking to myself, smiling for no reasons, laugh a lil bit(alone,yes,hehe), texting friends and family, going online for hours, and realising it's almost time for bed again,yeay..
who knows what i'll be doing the next day, always been a mystery..
this is why i love female lecturers.hehe.
i love being motivated especially by real-life examples..
i love being inspired by true, real people..
these kind of stories does help me to appreciate life more,
through my hard times, at least i know, some people faced even harder situation,obstacles in life,they did get through..
"Allah Yang Maha Esa tak akan bagi kita dugaan yang kita tak boleh hadapi"
God won't let us face something impossible for us.
PASS is ACCA students' favourite word.
sheila also said (i'm a big fan,haha), what if tomorrow your cat might run away with your neighbour's dog. who knows what will happen later? so study NOW just in case.
success is sweet.
past few days
my fave! kupang! |
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the suwwett and sour murder of ikan! |
nice distance |
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makan2, & bday zana. happy bday girl! |