kalau dulu zaman remaja kanak2 suka gila af xtau pun kewujudan channels ni n mmg abah buat amal kebajikan je bayar kt astro bln2.
skrg af pun aku xtau dh season berapa,
abah pernah subscribe jugak magazine nat geo tu, which i love too, because i love to see the pictures je lah.hehe
it's interesting to know when mythbusters busted or confirmed the myths with their ridiculously fun yet informative experiments.
1.english proverbs "a rolling stone gathers no moss" pun deorg test, letak batu dlm kayu bulat, biarkan berputar utk 6bln, tgk batu under mikroskop, n confirmed, xde satu lumut n kotor pun!duh, org tua2 kan dh ckp!
2.does tattoo on one's body that go through the mri will explode?(answer no lah manede!)
3.they swim with the sharks to find that sharks surprisingly not attracted to swimming dogs but to flashlights, and bila kena gigit ng jaws, tekan mata dy, nnt dy lepaskan anda dan lari mencibang..
4.n a lot of experiments ganas yg menghancurkan kereta2 lama, make org dummy utk dilontarkan pakai machine cam kren yg deorg buat sendiri, a lots of other cool stuffs, and they are very experienced ppl lah.
just watch this one show called word travel, hosted by two travel writers.the woman, Julia Dimon has traveled around the world FOUR times! gila apa? tp cool! and she's young. i really adore perempuan2 mcm ni. girl power!
on the episode (ep lama of cos) they went to Jordan, where located, one of the latest 7 Wonders of The World in Petra,
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Treasury (Al Khazneh) |
he's amazed with the Al Khazneh.he has seen other wonders, though some to him shouldn't really be in the 7 but he really agreed with this one. i guess you have to see for yourself lah kan.
what's exciting is, dont worry about getting lost, masih ade puak Badwi yg tinggal situ, mungkin sambil mengembara ada ternampak satu pak arab ni tgh sembahyang atas padang pasir.
the woman went to see the urban side of Jordan, which has changed her perception towards the Middle-East countries. kt jordan pun ade kelab mlm yg wow!, aku pun xsangka mcmtu rupanya.
their lifestyle are pretty much what today is, open minded generation but they still hold to their faith.
she chatted with a few girls.
she's quite surprised by their styles, they wear skinny jeans, bley tahan stylo, some girls with hijab led the host surprisingly said to them that hijab can be very stylo rupanya not just black. and then come question how about others without hijab? they just say that it's up to themselves and their faith.
they tell her about they are not like Iraq, they can do whatever they want, and they are not being inequally treated. they did go to clubs but don't drink, they can date and their mothers know, and no sex before marriage. they hangout with frens at coffeeshop and do argheelah or sheesha,hugly bugly,etc.
the mall are big. tp yg kelakarnye kedai mcm baju net stripper tu terang2 tayang kt luar kedai.kedai sblh, jual jubah.haha.
they swim kt Laut Mati tu yg ketumpatan nye sgt tinggi sampai boleh terapung, & ikan pun xbley hidup, terapung sambil menulis jurnal deorg.hebatlah sgt?hehe
they 'camp' in the dessert, puak Badwi masakkan ayam n lamb dlm satu tong ni, tutup dgn aluminium foil n penutup tong lah dan ditanam dlm padang pasir utk bbrp jam. bila dh masak, mmg nmpk sedap k!(bkn bivouc scout tu,hehe)
the best part is, they sleep open air under the stars!! wow!!! nk honeymoon ktsini bley?eh honeymoon xbley ehhh!!
by watching tlc, i just found out that in Penang, there's a drink called 'michael jackson' yg rupa-rupanye air soya cincau.cis.kt kelantan masih ade pertunjukan wayang kulit old skool style dan tarian/lakonan makyong yg masih lg dibuat secara regularly, tp oleh org tua2. and filipina punya pasar pretty much the same mcm sini,nama pasar kan?
suka tgk bobby chinn jugak, suka sgt 'babi goreng' kt indon, & khinzir punya alat sulit lg confidential kt chinese stalls in penang,eew..
tau x ecopolis? ha, saya pun xtau.hehe. klik la situ kalau nak tau. apa sy paham, imagine today's city in 2050, dgn global warming, green house gasses, resources waste,etc as city life become more demanding. now we need to decide the solutions to be develop until 2050 to reduce the carbon footprint and preserve this earth. 'footprint' (cos sy blaja CSR & thanks to tikah perdengarkan word ni for d 1st time,hehe) means what we do today will leave mark to tomorrow, for eg walking leave footsteps,right? i cant make it sound interesting, so pls google.=P
ever wonder where your luggage goes after check-in before departure at the airport, or ada aku kesah?
ur bag go through levels of barcode scans and even manual check because of the kertas lekat kt beg yg tulis mas ke airasia ke terselit kt bwh beg so scanner xley baca.sementara mesin2 dan staf2 nye sedang gelabah cek beg, kite tgh shopping perfume or coklat kt duty free tu, hehe..
human stories shares inspiring story of kenadie's primordial dwarfism, strong & warm 'thumbelina' kid. 'one two many' shares stories of human to be born with 'extra' differences. if an Indian boy(bdk kecik yg agak xberapa kaya sbb nk masuk tv pakai kot n seluar 70's siap spect atas kepala, mesti dy rasa dy rajnikanth sivaji boss,hehe) made it to guinness world record for having 25 fully functional fingers and toes, happy to live with it because it made him famous in school. the other story in the rural area of china lives a 18 yrs old girl who was born with extra leg at the back, never went to school and just stay home and away from the society, finally getting the help she needs, to remove it. she now smiling her way through the village to start her first day in school, to learn with other young kids. oh syahdu!
fight science taught me something useful about self defense and how much the attacker can be seriously injured. always make it a habit when walking to your car, holding the car keys like the picture, kalau cucuk mata boleh tembus otak whoa! tp apa2pun jgn panik, tu plg penting. tp xde plak episod kalau kena attack ramai2? oh nauzubillah..xnk pikir!
these are just a few stuffs which might not be new to some ppl
knowledge can never be obsolete
learning is a life-long journey
there's more each day to be watch-and-wow!
i'm excited every time i switch the tv on.
astro kan 24jam ulang2 lg.
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